Example 3: Disease Prediction Using Graph Information (SmCCNet + DPMON)
This example demonstrates a hybrid workflow combining SmCCNet for network generation and DPMON for disease prediction using multi-omics data and graph information.
Workflow Overview:
Network Construction (SmCCNet): Generates an adjacency matrix from multi-omics data using SmCCNet. The resulting matrix represents relationships between features.
Disease Prediction (DPMON): Utilizes the generated adjacency matrix to predict disease phenotypes using the DPMON model.
Step-by-Step Guide:
Setup Input Data: - Prepare the following inputs:
Proteins Data (`omics_proteins`): Pandas DataFrame containing protein features.
Metabolites Data (`omics_metabolites`): Pandas DataFrame containing metabolite features.
Phenotype Data (`phenotype_data`): Pandas Series with phenotype labels.
Clinical Data (`clinical_data`): Pandas DataFrame with clinical features.
Example input data structure:
omics_proteins = pd.DataFrame({ 'protein_feature1': [0.1, 0.2], 'protein_feature2': [0.3, 0.4] }, index=['Sample1', 'Sample2']) omics_metabolites = pd.DataFrame({ 'metabolite_feature1': [0.5, 0.6], 'metabolite_feature2': [0.7, 0.8] }, index=['Sample1', 'Sample2']) phenotype_data = pd.Series([1, 0], index=['Sample1', 'Sample2']) clinical_data = pd.DataFrame({ 'clinical_feature1': [5, 3], 'clinical_feature2': [7, 2] }, index=['Sample1', 'Sample2'])
Run SmCCNet to Generate the Adjacency Matrix:
Use SmCCNet to construct the network from multi-omics data:
smccnet_instance = SmCCNet( phenotype_data=phenotype_data, omics_data=pd.concat([omics_proteins, omics_metabolites], axis=1), data_types=['protein', 'metabolite'], kfold=5, summarization='PCA', seed=732, ) adjacency_matrix = smccnet_instance.run() print("Adjacency matrix generated using SmCCNet.")
This step produces the adjacency matrix, which encodes the relationships between features in your data.
Run DPMON for Disease Prediction:
With the adjacency matrix from SmCCNet, use DPMON to predict disease phenotypes:
dpmon_instance = DPMON( adjacency_matrix=adjacency_matrix, omics_list=[omics_proteins, omics_metabolites], phenotype_data=phenotype_data, features_data=clinical_data, model='GCN', tune=False, gpu=False ) predictions_df = dpmon_instance.run() if not predictions_df.empty: print("DPMON workflow completed successfully. Predictions generated.") else: print("DPMON hyperparameter tuning completed. No predictions were generated.")
Save and Interpret Results:
The predictions generated by DPMON are returned as a DataFrame, providing insights into disease associations based on the integrated omics data.
print("DPMON Predictions:") print(predictions_df)
Running the Example:
To execute the complete workflow:
Example 3: Disease Prediction Using Graph Information (SmCCNet + Disease Prediction using Multi-Omics Networks (DPMON))
This script demonstrates a workflow where we first generate a graph using Sparse Multiple Canonical Correlation Network
(SmCCNet), and then use that network matrix to run Disease Prediction using Multi-Omics Networks (DPMON), a pipeline
that leverages the power of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) specifically designed to predict disease phenotypes.
1. Generate an adjacency matrix using SmCCNet based on multi-omics and phenotype data.
2. Utilize DPMON to predict disease phenotypes using the network information and omics data.
import pandas as pd
from bioneuralnet.graph_generation import SmCCNet
from bioneuralnet.downstream_task import DPMON
def run_smccnet_dpmon_workflow(omics_proteins: pd.DataFrame,
omics_metabolites: pd.DataFrame,
phenotype_data: pd.Series,
clinical_data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
Executes the hybrid workflow combining SmCCNet for network generation and DPMON for disease prediction.
This function performs the following steps:
1. Generates an adjacency matrix using SmCCNet.
2. Initializes and runs DPMON for disease prediction based on the adjacency matrix.
3. Returns the disease prediction results.
omics_proteins (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing protein data.
omics_metabolites (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing metabolite data.
phenotype_data (pd.Series): Series containing phenotype information.
clinical_data (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing clinical data.
pd.DataFrame: Disease prediction results from DPMON.
smccnet_instance = SmCCNet(
omics_data=pd.concat([omics_proteins, omics_metabolites], axis=1),
data_types=['protein', 'metabolite'],
adjacency_matrix = smccnet_instance.run()
print("Adjacency matrix generated using SmCCNet.")
dpmon_instance = DPMON(
omics_list=[omics_proteins, omics_metabolites],
predictions_df = dpmon_instance.run()
if not predictions_df.empty:
print("DPMON workflow completed successfully. Predictions generated.")
print("DPMON hyperparameter tuning completed. No predictions were generated.")
return predictions_df
except Exception as e:
print(f"An error occurred during the SmCCNet + DPMON workflow: {e}")
raise e
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Starting SmCCNet + DPMON Hybrid Workflow...")
omics_proteins = pd.DataFrame({
'protein_feature1': [0.1, 0.2],
'protein_feature2': [0.3, 0.4]
}, index=['Sample1', 'Sample2'])
omics_metabolites = pd.DataFrame({
'metabolite_feature1': [0.5, 0.6],
'metabolite_feature2': [0.7, 0.8]
}, index=['Sample1', 'Sample2'])
phenotype_data = pd.Series([1, 0], index=['Sample1', 'Sample2'])
clinical_data = pd.DataFrame({
'clinical_feature1': [5, 3],
'clinical_feature2': [7, 2]
}, index=['Sample1', 'Sample2'])
predictions = run_smccnet_dpmon_workflow(omics_proteins, omics_metabolites, phenotype_data, clinical_data)
print("DPMON Predictions:")
print("Hybrid Workflow completed successfully.\n")
except Exception as e:
print(f"An error occurred during the execution: {e}")
raise e
Result Interpretation:
Adjacency Matrix: Represents the constructed network from multi-omics data, indicating the strength and presence of relationships between features.
Disease Predictions: Provides predictions related to disease states based on the integrated omics and network data, facilitating biomarker discovery and patient stratification.